Arcane Wave: This skill now hits 5 targets instead of 6.
Signet of Air: This skill is now a stun breaker. Increased the cooldown to 30 seconds.
Lightning Flash: This skill is no longer a stun breaker. Increased damage by 50%. Reduced the cooldown to 40 seconds.
Cleansing Fire: This skill is no longer a stun breaker. Decreased the recharge to 40 seconds.
Glyph of Elemental Power: This skill is now a stun breaker.
Gust: This skill now passes through enemies, striking multiple foes in a line.
(长杖风3) 此技能现在能穿透敌人,击中一直线上的多个敌人。
Windborne Speed: Reduced the aftercast by .2 seconds.
(长杖风4) 施放後延迟减少0.2秒。
Chain Lightning: Reduced the aftercast by .1 seconds.
(长杖风1) 施放後延迟减少0.1秒。
Static Field: Reduced the aftercast by .3 seconds.
(长杖风5) 施放後延迟减少0.3秒。
Eruption: Reduced the cast time from 1.8 seconds to 1.2 seconds.
(长杖土2) 咏唱时间从1.8秒减少成1.2秒。
Unsteady Ground: Increased the duration from 9 seconds to 10 seconds.
(长杖土4) 持续时间从9秒增加成10秒。
Shockwave: Reduced the aftercast by .3 seconds.
(长杖土5) 施放後延迟减少0.3秒。
Lava Font: Reduced the cast time from .36 seconds to .2 seconds. Reduced the aftercast from .34 seconds to .2 seconds.
(长杖火2) 咏唱时间从0.36秒减少成0.2秒,施放後延迟从0.34秒减少成0.2秒。
Meteor Shower: Reduced the cast time from 4.2 seconds to 3.8 seconds.
(长杖火5) 咏唱时间从4.2秒减少成3.8秒。
Water Blast: Reduced the aftercast by .1 seconds. Increased the size of the effect to more accurately show the area healed.
(长杖水1) 施放後延迟减少0.1秒,为了准确地显示治疗范围,增加了特效大小。
Geyser: Reduced the cast time from 1.1 seconds to .6 seconds. Reduced the aftercast from .25 seconds to .2 seconds.
(长杖水3) 咏唱时间从1.1秒减少成0.6秒,施放後延迟从0.25秒减少成0.2秒。
Frozen Ground: Reduced the cast time from .36 seconds to .2 seconds. Reduced the aftercast from .34 seconds to .2 seconds.
(长杖水4) 咏唱时间从0.36秒减少成0.2秒,施放後延迟从0.34秒减少成0.2秒。
Healing Rain: Reduced the aftercast by .3 seconds.
(长杖水5) 施放後延迟减少0.3秒。
Gale: Reduced the aftercast by .4 seconds.
(聚能器风5) 施放後延迟减少0.4秒。
Flamewall: Reduced the cast time from 1.1 seconds to .6 seconds. Reduced the aftercast from .25 seconds to .2 seconds.
(聚能器火4) 咏唱时间从1.1秒减少成0.6秒,施放後延迟从0.25秒减少成0.2秒。
Freezing Gust: Reduced the aftercast by .35 seconds.
(聚能器水4) 施放後延迟减少0.35秒。
Shatterstone: Reduced the aftercast by .75 seconds. This skill now shows its cast time and cast bar correctly.
(权杖水2) 施放後延迟减少0.75秒,此技能描述现在会正确的显示他的咏唱时间和距离提示条。
Tornado: Reduced the cooldown to 150 seconds.
Phoenix: Doubled the velocity. Added an unblockable skill fact.
(权杖火3) 飞行速度加倍,且在技能描述增加了"不可格档"。
Meteor Shower: Increased the size of the area that each meteor strikes. This ability has been optimized. As a result, no functionality has been changed, but the amount of meteor effects has been reduced. Previously, extra meteor effects that didn’t actually do any damage would play. We now only display the meteors that deal damage on impact.
(长杖火5) 增加了每颗陨石击中的范围。此技能已被优化,其功能没变,但在特效减少了陨石数量,以前没有砸到敌人的陨石也会显示,现在只有砸到的陨石才会显示。
Magma Orb: Increased the damage by 33%.
(三叉戟火1) 伤害增加33%。
Ice Wall—Detonate: Increased the chill duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.
(三叉戟水3第二次) 冻结时间从2秒增加成3秒。
Forked Lightning: Increased the damage by 33%.
(三叉戟风1) 伤害增加33%。
Electrocute: Increased the damage by 50%. Increased the recharge from 5 seconds to 12 seconds. This skill now applies 5 stacks of vulnerability for 6 seconds.
(三叉戟风2) 伤害增加50%,冷却时间从5秒增加成12秒,此技能现在会附加5层的脆弱6秒。
Murky Water: Reduced recharge from 45 seconds to 40 seconds.
(三叉戟土5) 冷却时间从45秒减少成40秒。
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