万圣节限定武器可以通过神秘熔炉Mystic Forge制作,制作后为永久持有,此外万圣节还更新了一些工匠配方。
Superior Mad King Rune (通过糖袋获得): 200个Candy Corn | 25个Nougats | 1个Orichalcum Ingot | 1个Onyx Lodestone
Concentrated Halloween Tonic: 1个Snow Truffle | 1堆Crystaline dust | 1罐Water | 5个Trick or Treat Bags
Plastic Spider Tonic: 10个Fangs | 1个Trick or Treat Bag | 1个Venom Sac | 1壶Water
Candy Corn Tonic: 10个Nougat | 3个Trick or Treat Bags | 1堆Luminous Dust | 1壶Water
Mummy Tonic: 7个Trick or Treat Bags | 1卷Linen | 1堆Incandescent Dust | 1壶Water
Bowl of Candy Corn Custard: 3颗Candy Corn | 1杯Buttermilk | 1颗Vanilla Bean | 1个Egg
Candy Corn Cookies: 25颗Candy Corn | 1个Cookie Dough
Candy Corn Glaze: Starch | Water | 5个Candy Corn
Candied Apple: 1个Apple | 1碗Candy Corn Glaze
Glazed Peach Tart: 1条Butter | 2碗Candy Corn Glaze | 1个Peach | 1个Ball of Dough
Glazed Pear Tart: 1碗Candy Corn Glaze | 1个Pear | 1包Sugar | 1个Ball of Dough
Piece of Candy Corn Almond Brittle: 3个Almonds | 1包Sugar | 15个Candy Corn
Strawberry Ghost: 1个Strawberry | 1个Chocolate Bar | 1碗Candy Corn Glaze
Spicy Pumpkin Cookie: 1个Cookie Dough | 1个Ghost Pepper | 3碗Candy Corn Glaze | 1碗Pumpkin Pie Filling
Superior Sigil of Night (Recipe): 250个Candy Corn | 25个Fangs | 25个Nougats |25个Skulls
Superior Sigil of Night (Creation): 100个Candy Corn | 1个Ectoplasm | 1 个Orichalcum Ingot | 1个Charged Lodestone
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