万圣节限定武器可以通过神秘熔炉Mystic Forge制作,制作后为永久持有,此外万圣节还更新了一些工匠配方。
万圣节限定武器可以通过神秘熔炉Mystic Forge制作,制作后为永久持有,关于租借武器请点击这里,下面给出配方。
短弓 Arachnophobia
配件:Gift of Spiders
530个 Orichalcum Ore
250个 Candy Corn
100个 Destroyer Lodestones
100个 Spiders
42个 Ancient Wood Log
40个 Elonian Wine
25 个Globs of Ecto
10个 Crystalline Dust
6个 Hardened Leather
5个 Fine Crafting
1 个Gift of Ascalon (500个AC Tokens换取)
双手杖 The Crossing
配件:Gift of Souls
530 Orichalcum Ore
250 Candy Corn
100 Nougat Center
100 Charged Lodestone
54 Ancient Wood Log
40 Elonian Wine
25 Glob of Ecto
10 Crystalline Dust
5 Fine Crafting Material
1 Gift of Knowledge (500个CoE Tokens换取)
盾牌 The Mad Moon
配件:Gift of Moon
538 Orichalcum Ore
250 Candy Corn
100 Corrupted Lodestones
100 Chattering Skulls
40 Elonian Wine
30 Ancient Wood Logs
25 Globs of Ecto
10 Crystalline Dust
5 Fine Crafting
1 Gift of Thorns (500个TA Tokens换取)
Superior Mad King Rune (通过糖袋获得): 200个Candy Corn | 25个Nougats | 1个Orichalcum Ingot | 1个Onyx Lodestone
Concentrated Halloween Tonic: 1个Snow Truffle | 1堆Crystaline dust | 1罐Water | 5个Trick or Treat Bags
Plastic Spider Tonic: 10个Fangs | 1个Trick or Treat Bag | 1个Venom Sac | 1壶Water
Candy Corn Tonic: 10个Nougat | 3个Trick or Treat Bags | 1堆Luminous Dust | 1壶Water
Mummy Tonic: 7个Trick or Treat Bags | 1卷Linen | 1堆Incandescent Dust | 1壶Water
Bowl of Candy Corn Custard: 3颗Candy Corn | 1杯Buttermilk | 1颗Vanilla Bean | 1个Egg
Candy Corn Cookies: 25颗Candy Corn | 1个Cookie Dough
Candy Corn Glaze: Starch | Water | 5个Candy Corn
Candied Apple: 1个Apple | 1碗Candy Corn Glaze
Glazed Peach Tart: 1条Butter | 2碗Candy Corn Glaze | 1个Peach | 1个Ball of Dough
Glazed Pear Tart: 1碗Candy Corn Glaze | 1个Pear | 1包Sugar | 1个Ball of Dough
Piece of Candy Corn Almond Brittle: 3个Almonds | 1包Sugar | 15个Candy Corn
Strawberry Ghost: 1个Strawberry | 1个Chocolate Bar | 1碗Candy Corn Glaze
Spicy Pumpkin Cookie: 1个Cookie Dough | 1个Ghost Pepper | 3碗Candy Corn Glaze | 1碗Pumpkin Pie Filling
Superior Sigil of Night (Recipe): 250个Candy Corn | 25个Fangs | 25个Nougats |25个Skulls
Superior Sigil of Night (Creation): 100个Candy Corn | 1个Ectoplasm | 1 个Orichalcum Ingot | 1个Charged Lodestone
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